Futura Foods

Cheese Board Accompaniments: The Traditional, The Weird and The Wonderful

Do you know what makes a cheese board completely irresistible? When the cheeses are surrounded by beautifully selected accompanying nibbles. When adding a wide selection of accompaniments to your cheeses you quickly develop a range of textures and flavour combinations to be enjoyed. At Futura Foods we gathered the thoughts… Read More

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26th November 2020

It’s Time To Celebrate, The Food and Drink Supply Chain Excellence Award

On 12th November 2020 a virtual ceremony took place to announce the winners of the Supply Chain Awards. The awards have been running for 23 years and are organised by Logistics Manager magazine. The virtual awards had, understandably, replaced the Gala Dinner at Hilton Park Lane. Although, that did not… Read More

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20th November 2020


The PAPA Awards & Judging 2020

In a year not experiencing a pandemic, the PAPA awards would have meant a visit to the European Pizza and Pasta Show then a remarkable dinner and awards ceremony. With virtual judging, virtual award presenting and the brief presentation only to previous winners or short listed entrants, like many other… Read More

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19th November 2020

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Salad Cheese, Not Just For Salads

It’s the season where amber leaves are falling from the trees, darkness takes over early evening, the clocks go back and the temperature drops. With Halloween quickly approaching a range of pumpkins and squashes are in season, filling the supermarket shelves with their wonderful autumn colours. When we think of… Read More

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20th October 2020


Brexit, The Very Careful Steps Forward

It feels like an age with everything that has happened during 2020, and you might have forgotten all about it, but Brexit was real and the United Kingdom left the European Union on 31st January 2020. The global pandemic may have pushed Brexit off the front pages of the press… Read More

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24th September 2020

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Paneer, Not Just for Curry but for Salads too!

We have said it before, our Param Paneer is a great source of protein and a brilliant vegetarian alternative for any tasty dish. With the ability to absorb spices and flavours to the maximum, Paneer makes a good dish to carry any flavour combination you can think of. For 2020… Read More

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10th September 2020

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A Speedy Seasonal Breakfast with Greek Yogurt

We all know that Greek Yogurt is an incredibly versatile ingredient and a great choice for breakfast, a snack or as a dessert topping alternative to cream. It’s full of protein, low in sodium & carbohydrates with a low lactose content.   Our Specifications and Packaging Technologist, Emma, says that Greek… Read More

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8th September 2020

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Foodservice & Eat Out To Help Out

With Foodservice outlets such as restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs opening up following the Covid-19 shut downs, more than 72,000 establishments took advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out government scheme, during August 2020. In excess of 64 million meals have been sold, showing the scheme really took off… Read More

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3rd September 2020

Plastic Packaging Reduction, Replacement and Removal

Futura Foods have been working with the major UK retailers and supplying sites to see where we can minimise plastic use and move towards more sustainable packaging. This is an ongoing project but would like to share what we have done so far: Plastic Reductions:• We have implemented new Greek… Read More

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17th August 2020

Sharing Board - Casual Dining 2021

Futura Foods will be at Casual Dining 2021

The pandemic has swept the world. Some things are changing, we are getting into the swing of the new normal and facing the challenges head on. Although shows and exhibitions have been put (very far) on the back burner for the foreseeable, we remain optimistic for future events. Read More

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26th May 2020

Get in touch

If you don’t see the product that you are looking for it is possible that we could develop or source a product specifically for you. Want to find out more about how we make it easy to find dairy solutions?


Futura Foods UK Ltd.
The Priory, Long Street, Dursley,
Gloucestershire GL11 4HR